Designers renovated a 27-room mansion in Wilkinsburg. Here are our favorite spaces.

The trans­for­ma­tion from the di­lap­i­dated Yin­gling man­sion in Wilkins­burg to the 2018 Junior League of Pitts­burgh Show House is im­pres­sive. Lo­cal de­sign­ers tack­led a dozen spaces in the 27-room house, in­clud­ing its grand foyer, a base­ment speak­easy, the kitchen, a par­lor, din­ing and fam­ily rooms, stud­ies, sev­eral bath­rooms and bed­rooms. The last Junior League Show House was in 2007, so those who jumped in to re­fur­bish the Gothic Re­vival-style house at 1300 Wood St. were also re­ig­nit­ing a tra­di­tion. The show house will be open for tours through May 20 and tick­ets are $30 each. Here are a few of the spaces that stood out


The Fam­ily Room

Designers Evelyn Wedner and James Checkeye of Evelyn James Interiors, Inc. in the family room they designed.
(Stephanie Strasburg/Post-Gazette)

Bright fuschia wall­pa­per with hum­ming­birds is framed in deep white win­dow cas­ing in this room by Eve­lyn James In­te­ri­ors.

“We wanted to bring this in­ti­mate room more into the mil­len­nium and it was the wall­pa­per by Zoffiny that was the source of our in­spi­ra­tion, as a nod to the early 1900s,” said Eve­lyn Wed­ner.

She and de­sign part­ner James Check­eye mixed old and new, us­ing a con­tem­po­rary cof­fee ta­ble by Van­guard, a sec­tional and two clear acrylic chairs with an an­tiqued glass mir­ror over the fire­place. The chan­de­lier in the room is from Reve­la­tions.

“The wall­pa­per is made up of four silk­screens and the back­grounds change, but the hum­ming­bird col­or­ation never does,” she said.
